In only a few hours to finish this year and to welcome a new year, a new number, 2011. I like this number, I always had more hope in odd years than in pairs. Do not ask me why, is because in odd years I got more achievements, it has been easier to meet some of my dreams, my joys have been greater, everything seems to flow differently, to the penalties are milder, the good times, deep and lasting, and emotions .... well the emotions as always burst.
My hope is that this new year be for all, better than the previous one in all respects. Than at any time you miss the love, self-esteem and, above all, true friends. Do not waste the opportunities presented to you, that ye always reason to keep smiling, that if you ever suffer a mishap of health, recuperéis right away, do not despair if things do not go as you wished, that you may have provided easy access to a Friend I encourage you in low hours, not kill time, you do everything possible to live it intensely, give you over your mistakes, you never miss a hope, a dream to fulfill, that luck be with you at all times.
And if my hand was able to regale special something that was impossible, that is what I would whole-heartedly:
12 months of peace
52 weeks joy
illusion 365 days 8760 hours
525,600 minutes of friendship,
and ...
31,556,926 seconds of love
Happy New Year 2011 to all!