A couple of months in the Alcampo, gave us a couple of movie tickets. We chose the Twilight movie thinking it would be a "fear" about vampires (and we like very much), but nothing to do with the imagined. Bella
a 17 year old girl decides to live with his father when his mother remarries, to arrive at your new home feels a little sad, the new institute changes and so on, but quickly meets his new friends , including a vampire who falls in love madly.
Well the point is that this Christmas I had wanted to buy a book and saw that it was the saga of Twilight, so I decided to buy the book.
As always the book was better than the movie, by the royo your imagine as you want, when you finish left me wanting to know more about this odd couple Bella and Edward Cullen, so I got the following Luna News that hooked me even more, because it already had not only humans and vampires, werewolves came together in this fantasy. The desire to know more about Eduard were such that in two days he had finished reading it so I bought the Eclipse, and more of the same story hooked me so much I had to promise my love that I would take it in stride, 5 days later he was crazy looking for the latest Dawn. Ais! what a shame it to end ... Not history in general is more for teenagers but for the way the writer describes you Eduard, O God, in love with a vampire unreal, I felt stupid but ... that is going to do, others dream of Angelina Jolie.
And now I can only hope to write S tephenie_Meyer midnight sun, which is the Twilight, but this time the story is told by the vampire finally know what happens to him over the head with this incredible creature.
I love it!
Page Oficila The Twilight
can read the 1 st chapter of every book in

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