Hi girls:
grateful to the participants
missing grant vote do so as soon as possible in order to close
elpróximo challenge April 23. Remember
is listed on the right side of the blog
Due to the efforts of all to
participate in this challenge and decided to give 4
awards in total.
2 will be as a result of the votes cast by
each participant (1 st and 2 nd preferred papers), and
be sent to my e- email , specifying
that participant is and the two votes that grants,
of course can not vote for Vds . them.
The other 2 prizes will be awarded 2 jobs
the resulting winners of the public vote is
found on the blog, and you can vote
one time, each person passing through the blog. Thank
their votes, to assist in choosing a 2
new winners.
can not repeat the same winner in both
open voting, so it would move to the next on the list
vote of the blog.
The closing date is 23/04 whether or not they voted
all participants , We'll
closed the two votes.
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