Tuesday, December 16, 2008

List Of 151 Original Pokemon

I love you Blog award

Thanks Syl, I know very little posting lately but my schedule does not leave me much time to connect and others, I hope that this Christmas I'll catch up everything. I am looking forward to the prize, and as always do not know what else to say jajajaa. Thank

real ones)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Gay Men Using Public Showers

60x1 Promo Vodafone Super puzzle

• The new rate is the first Super 60x1 flat rate per call for € 12 per month, allows calls to all fixed and mobile operators at any time up to 60 minutes talking and paying only the first minute of each call.

• The new Super 60x1, which is available to both customers and prepaid contract is not a promotion, but a fee for a lifetime.

• As a launch promotion, the new rate have no monthly fee for new customers of contract until January 31, 2009.

· The rates are not high nor share minimum periods of stay and are compatible with all savings and promotions from Vodafone.

Do not stay at the required rate and allow free exchange with other fees at any time.

• It is compatible with Vodafone savings plans (a2, Qtal!, Usual number, Family Account, etc.) And the other operator promotions.


-------------------------------------- ----------------

The 2 nd part of the promo runs from December 1 to February 28, vodafone to vodafone and vodafone to national fixed 24 hours a day.
Call by 3 cents / minute. The activation cost is 1 euro (plus VAT)


thx Dani

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dallasplaces To Get Head

A Nevada

long time ago a friend left us a riddle in his blog, and good enough but it cost me serve, and now I dejároslo to you to see ... if he is made.
do not know if it's true, but tell that Dr. Einstein proposed this riddle and said 98% of the population would not know to solve it.

I hope so, because it is not as difficult as it sounds, you need only organization.
(to not copy the answer, it is best to mail you send to me when ye)


HOMES There are 5 houses all different color. In each house lives a person of a different nationality, each tenant smoking a different brand of cigarettes, drink a certain beverage, and each has a pet. (Each tenant drink, smoke and have a pet than others, none repeated)

The question is .... "Whoever has fish?


1 The Brit lives in the red house.
2 The Swede keeps dogs as pets
3 The Dane drinks tea
4 The green house is on the left of the white house
5 The owner of the green house drinks coffee
6 The person who smokes Pall Mall has a bird
7 The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
8 The living in the center house drinks milk
9 The Norwegian lives in the first house
10 º The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats
11 The person who has a horse lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill 12 º
who drink beer smoke Blumaster
13 º The German smokes prince
14 º The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
15 º The man who smokes blends has a neighbor who drinks water

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Is Clf2- Trigonal Bipyramid

Last night you came in to work, it began to snow, good snow ... sleet as they call it. Upon arriving home we went to dinner and others and looking out the window we get a surprise, it was snowing, but really a good chunk of falling flakes.

Gradually all became covered with white and then it started raining, so I went to bed that morning did not open or traces of the snow, but my surprise has been that if that were remnants and that white is beautiful, about anything.

Of course, it does go cold!!