This is how it will be called the compilation The tide launched on 18 November to market. Why the name? According Kutxi Romero, prostitution is the world's oldest profession and the rule of three musicians are the oldest whores ...
include two CDs with 20 songs live in concert in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBilbao and Madrid to tour Tour lice.
also bring a DVD with 22 songs from their concert in Madrid last year, apart from the extras like the making-of the concert, or the 3 videos that recorded in South America, "the green dog," "As trileros" and "Shit and spoon, also spoke on the DVD as Iratxo musicians, Albertucho, Carlos Chaouen and many more.
I have a terrible desire to have it already in my possession .... Marea siiiiiiiiiiii As you know me sick, aisss That the tide and flood all of Rock And Roll. YEA!
Well if you want to know more www.losmarea.com enter
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