Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Essential John Carpenter Film Music Colletion

With the best music collection of terrifying films of past decades will come this October 31, John Carpenter directing and music for films as well " The Fog, "" The Thing "or" Halloween "music rather 'aterradorra' very well made and will bring them to carry insurance to feel the suspense, Happy Halloween!

"Man is the warmest place to hide"

The Essential "John Carpenter" Film Music Colletion (2002)

Escape From New York
Halloween Theme
Haunted House
End Titles
Pork Chop Express
Assault On Precinct 13
Julie's Theme
Bad To The Bone
Halloween II
Dark Star
They Live
Prince Of Darkness
Escape From New York
Village Of The Damned
End Titles

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jcpenny Hair Exstentions

A modern witch

This is my particular witch for the day Halloween. Came to visit me early and said that the "trick or treat", I said I try, I did not want to argue with anyone let alone a witch so ugly, and he said he wanted to be a witch different, I did not want candy or sweet, its highest desire was to stop having that aspect witch and a witch more like modern, sophisticated, well dressed, joint and can be included with mobile, because as it was flying and visiting homes, they would take a picture and send to the buddies to be dying of envy. Cecil
blackmail, I took her to the salon, which is like going to Lourdes, the plucked, they made a peel and a full session of beauty, the change was amazing. Then he dyed his hair, cut off the ends and removed the roots that disheveled and grotesque. They did French manicure and pedicure, as with nails that had was not going to put on new shoes I bought to match the dress and broom.

When I presented it well, as we see in the picture, I was shocked myself, was unrecognizable. And presumably it came out, because I kept looking in the mirror. Thanked me and flew putting together a stir among the fallen autumn leaves. Had not reached a sufficient height, when three or four vampires joined the court making your flight.

If you see out there, if you visit your house, instead of candy to give her a scarf to keep warm the throat, the weather has cooled a bit and can catch cold. And do not forget to kiss him love affection. Happy Halloween to everyone.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Write A Holograph Will

Listado Seguimiento Intercambio

* E = Sent
* R = Received



M ª Julia E / R and E / R Claudia Alejandra

E / R and E / R Trinidad
Maria Alcira
; E / R and E / R Graciela Lorena

E / R and E / R ; M ª Angeles


/ R and E / Maria Celina ;


Silvia E / R and E / R Orietta


Joscelin E / and / R Jessica Marisol

E / ; and E / R Andrea

SPAIN Beatriz

E / R and E / R Ana Aurora

E / R and E / R Maria Carmen

E / R and I / R Yovani

Rossana E / R and I / R Virginia

Maribel , E / R and E / R Gemma

Rosa M ª E / R and , E / R Jorgelina

Rocio E / R and R / R Montse Elena

E / R and E / R Adriana
E / R and E / R M ª José
   E/R           y   E/R           Paqui

Afrika    E/R         y    E/R    Nati

Leticia    E/R        y   E/R     Beatriz

M ª José E / R and E / R

Araceli Roxana E / R and E / R Laura

Daiana E / R and E / R Lali

M ª Blanca E / R and E / R

Monica Vicente ; E / R and E / R

Cris Maria Magdalena E / R and E / R Susie

Sandra E / R y E / R Loli


E / R y E / R Gabriela Maribel

/ R y E / Erika

Ana Giselle E / R y , E / R Rosa Maria Alejandra

E / R y E / R Eunice

Miriam E/R       y     E/R           Lupys


Iris    E/R       y   E/R            Paula


Irene   E/R           and E / R Carmen

Mary E / R and R / R Maria Eugenia

International Exchange Listing

Argentina - BRAZIL

Lydia Esther E / R and R / R ; Erica


María Griselda E / R and E / R Andrea


RICA E / R and E / R Liliana

Clau E / R ; and E / R Mila


Marta Graciela E / y


Marisa E / R and E / R Charles

ARGENTINA - Republic Dominican

Sol E / y E / R Odalis


Gem E / R and E / R Celia


Karina E / R and E / R Patricia Flor

E / R and E / R Adriana ARGENTINA


Beatriz E / R and I / R Noraim

Lore E / R and E / General

Costa Rica - U.S.

Arlette    E/R          y  E/R              Gaby


Vanina    E/R          y      E/R       Manoly

Gloria     E / R y E / R Patricia Patricia

E / R , y E / R Lany

Spain - Costa Rica

Liliana ; E / R y E / R Eva Estrella

E / R , y E / R Natividad Alejandra

E / R y : E / R Isabel

Spain - CHILE

Carolina E / R y E / R ; Laura

Claudia E / R y E / R Lola

Angela E / R and I / R Chary


Ana / R and E / Mercedes


Encarna E / R y E / R Pilar

Landy E / R y E / R Laura C.

Lourdes E / R y E / R M ª Antonia

Laura T. E / R and E / R Maxi

E Nieves / R and E / R Rosana


Daisy E / R and E / R M ª José

Miriam E / R and E / R Fefi

Magalis E / R ; y E / R Evelyn

Bianca / R y E / ; Alicia


Which E / y E R / R Shaida

to assign

Monday, October 25, 2010

Can You Get Infections From Brazilian Wax

Recordatorio y algunas normas

As I got some mail, let's review some things

* The deadline for submission is 15
November because is that all have their
ornament for Christmas, and some shipments son
internacionales, por lo que se demoran un poco.

* Cada participante deberá enviar las fotos de lo
que envío, a mi email, que iré subiendo al álbum
del inter, una vez recibido por su compañera, y no antes.

* Agradezco a todas las que me comunican el envío y
la recepción de los regalitos, para poder ir actualizando
la lista del intercambio, que publicaré el viernes.

* Tengo constancia de que algunas amigas, andan
desaparecidas, dejaremos un poco mas de tiempo,
pero quiero dejar claro que ninguna amiga, quedará
sin poder enviar ni recibir su adorno.

Algunas de Vds. se ofrecieron
to share in these cases, and I thank you heartily.

Unfortunately this is inevitable, but as
organizing it, and because
effort this entails, and the disappointment of the person who has it,
and decided, and the record, they prefer not to make use of that rule
not admit any future exchange
you to organize, no one they hold in this way, it
sorry, but I have no other choice.

If you have a problem, or something happens, I think
contact me with your friend
exchange is the logical and normal, because everything can be arranged,
and remember, that the registration was free and voluntary
so we must be responsible to the end.

If you have any questions,
can leave a comment on this post, I will answer the same.

Thank you all for your effort and cooperation !!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How To Install Hacked Matlab

Beirut live at Music Hall of Williamsburg

always turn to this music when I'm in a mood that ayuda mucho a seguir adelante, pero esta vez es la excepción, Beirut , a vuelto a mi vida, en un momento de ella, en la que estoy muy feliz, muy tranquila y siguiendo siempre viviendo el presente.

Para completar la discografía del grandioso músico Zach Condon, traigo el ultimo trabajo que realizo allá por el 2009, un concierto en vivo desde el Music Hall en Williamsburg, un trabajo impecable, muy limpio, muestra de la profesionalidad y la pasión que al cantante imprime en cada presentación en vivo.

Enjoy this amazing and very sweet music.

"I see the waves in His Eyes"

Beirut live at Music Hall of Williamsburg (2009)

East Harlem
The Shrew
The Concubine
La Javanaise
The Akara
My Night With The Prostitute From Marseille
Gulag Orkestar
Forks and Knives (La Fete)

"I can wait
child and write songs by
long Beheaded"

How Long Does Referred Shoulder Pain Last

Fairy # 2

To enlarge click on image

I present the Fairy Magic number 2, that is, the second I do. This time I chose the color of DMC 3341. I will do more, but for now relent cross stitch and dedicate myself to finish the wheel of the quilt, which despite being very laborious, it is becoming precious. I promise to upload the photo when I get more advanced.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jaw Pain When Drinking Alcohol

Till it Breaks - NawjaJean

No matter what's behind what you have to go, this is all that matters. One of the English groups of more precise and precious pop I've heard in a long time, and in front of a spectacular Nawja you, just say that I did "love love" , again and again!

Crime - NaJWaJeaN

You lean on the edge of the bar and you look at me
With Such eyes and what if it's a dream
You pass by me and say
Hello, your smile is like a little girl oh

Is this a crime
when you touch my hand and I feel the sky
And I’m wondering if this a crime
when you passed behind you touch my hits on the better sides

And then you kill my doubts saying, smile
And you hold my hand strong
You get me, you take me, you break me oh
What a sweet suicide

I’m wondering if this a crime
When you see me smile
Oh, is this a crime

When I pass your side with a little smile
I’m sorry but I’m dealing
Then my eyes just said go on

And my back could feel the cold
Then you take off all my clothes
I was breathing laid in bed

And you take my legs, and you take inside
and I thought that life, coludn’t be so good
Oh my love... is this a new suicide

And I just wanna to know
Oh, it’s all, my strong little guy
and this is, baby this is , oh this is a crime

And I atart to cry
is this a crime
I’m in this eh, brother I say
brother and lover

I gave enough to stay
I try to stay, into, into, into
oh is this a crime
when you’r getting inside...
I can feel that it it’s all right

Till it Breaks (2008)

For me tonight
I wish the cat could talk
Gold note
Don´t cry
Drive me
Wanna be

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can You Get Herpes From Tattoos

A magical fairy

Click on image to enlarge

is the first fairy I do. I've always liked fairies, wrapped in an air of mystery and hope. They are protective beings and protagonists of many stories that remind infantiles.Cuentos lifetime, created stories sleeping and waking children and adults.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is It A Law That Employers Do Evaluations

New Medium - Faded paper Figures

When these projects get music into my life, when these bands make their way, almost daring the destination, is when I'm without words, words to describe how good it makes me feel the music I listen to, how good I feel when I play and I feel this flood of emotion to pass the sound through my head.

Faded Paper Figures (FPF) is one of those bands that excite the first listen only to play his magnificent "Small Talk" believe in my feeling that the FPF will be one of those bands that comes to stay, voices worked very, very soft (in a sense somewhat similar to bands like The Postal Service and The XX), music quite minimalistic electro touch, but that if enough fun and relaxed time. Music to enjoy, an album to hear without to, enjoy!

"And climbing up the empire state
you hold my hand and Hesitate
A camera shot, we've seen this place

New Medium (2010)

Invent It All Again
You Know What I Mean
Small Talk
One More Crash
The Cold Wars
When the Book Ends
Kodachrome Earth
New Medium

"I can hear you writing
I Read Between the Lines
I can hear you writing in pictographic signs

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Designation Of Patient Advocate Form Michigan

Write About Love - Belle And Sebastian

What is it that they see the boys out of Belle & Sebastian? That's right, writing about love. They have been doing, delighted, having fun, love, making us laugh, making us mourn, making us feel much better and some things but, by that love can produce all that and much more.

has taken me a long time to write this entry, as output from the disk has been a while. The reason, many, but finally I decided to do, how well or badly out, do not know.

the album I can not say much really, is that the music of Belle & Sebastian music than to be one of my favorite and most loved bands in the world, has been reached to become a great friend of those you love and do not need to know more, so all you have to do with his music is a personal thing, a thing of us, but I tell you if the love is for something .

What I can say is that Murdoc and his boys had already been made wonder too long, and this album is to fill a much desired sweetness and warmth our ears, our time and our lives.

"I want the world to stop (I want the world to stop) Give me
the morning (give me the understanding)
I want the world to stop (I want the world to stop)
Give me the morning, give me the afternoon
The night, the night..."

Write About Love (2010)

I Didn't See It Coming
Come On Sister
Calculating Bimbo
I Want The World To Stop
Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John
Write About Love
I'm Not Living In The Real World
The Ghost Of RockSchool
Read The Blessed Pages
I Can See Your Future
Sunday's Pretty Icons

"I'm not living in the real world..."

Monday, October 11, 2010

White Lights Corners Of My Lcd Tv

Parejas Intercambio Navidad 2010


135 participants from 14 countries


M ª Julia and Claudia Alejandra

, and Maria Trinidad

and Alcira Graciela Lorena

and M ª Angeles

and Adriana Maria Celina

Silvia and Orietta

Joscelin and Jessica

and Marisol Andrea

Ana Beatriz and

Aurora and Maria Carmen

and Yovani

Rossana and Virginia

Maribel and Gemma

Rosa M ª and Jorgelina

Rocio and Montse

and Elena Adriana Pilar

, and M ª José

Marian and Paqui

Afrika Nati and

and Leticia Beatriz

M ª José and Roxana

Araceli Laura and

Daiana and Lali

M ª Blanca and Monica

Vicenti and Cris

Maria Magdalena and Susi

Sandra and Loli

Any and Gabriela

Maribel y Erika

Ana y Giselle Rosa Maria Alejandra

y Eunice

Miriam y Lupys

Iris y Paula

Carmen and Irene

and Maria Eugenia Maria

Listing Exchanges INTERNATIONAL

Lydia and Esther Erica

María Griselda     y     Andrea

Any     y   Liliana

Clau    y    Mila

Marta  Carolina Graciela and

Marisa and Karla

Sol and Odalis

Gem Celia y

Karina y Patricia Flor

; y Adriana

y Beatriz Noraim

Lore there Gera

Arlette y ; Gaby

Vanina there Manoly

Gloria y Patricia Patricia

y Lany

Eva y Liliana

Estrella y Natividad Alejandra

Isabel y

Carolina y Laura

Claudia ; Lola y

Angela y Chary

and Ana Mercedes

Encarna and Pilar

and Laura C. Landy Lourdes

and Maria Antonia

Laura T. and Maxi

Nieves and Rosana

Daisy and M ª José

Miriam and Fefi

Magalis and Evelyn

and Bianca ; Alicia

Mely and Shaida

remember a little standards:

* Maximum Shipping Date November 15 .

* email should notify
receipt of gifts and send photos of what you sent,
to take control of it.

* There must be sent by recorded delivery, unless
request in case there is a problem
, I trust his word, if they say they have already sent

* Despite my insistence, by all means,
there are some participants that there was no response,
if you changed your mind I understand it, and nothing happens, but it's better
an answer, that ignorance and silence.

I hope to be a satisfactory exchange for tod @ s,
, and to keep a pleasant memory, and a beautiful friendship
, ultimately, is what is sought.

As you will see are a "significant", I appreciate the welcome that had
Exchange, and to facilitate collaboration
everything is easier.

WE ARE UP !!!!!!!!