Something to lift the spirits, after this time black, which my country has suffered so much violence and misunderstanding. Some of my favorite music, electro, electro pop even more sometimes but is very well done and done with passion.
From Canada a duo (trio later) form, Dragonette , formed by Martina Sorbara and Dan Kurtz that since 2005 the assets and creating one of the best and strongest electro pop, with two discs in his favor, that I am presenting today is the second and shows a sound more professional and better managed than in his other works, recorded between NY and Ontario, is a very professional and exquisite.
One of the best jobs that I've encountered recently in this musical famine somewhat given the lack of time or lack of incentive, I leave with a band too good, with a powerful sound with strong bass, guitars well marked, but with thunderous impact, the voice very clear that it gave a pop so sweet, so charming, no doubt fall in love at first listen. Enjoy!

Fixin the Thrill (2009)
Fixin to Thrill
Gone Too Far
Stupid Grin
P ick Up the Phone
We Rule the World
Big Sunglasses
Okay Dolore (featuring Sara Quin)
Come on Be Good
You're a Disaster
Don't Be Funny
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