Monday, October 25, 2010

Can You Get Infections From Brazilian Wax

Recordatorio y algunas normas

As I got some mail, let's review some things

* The deadline for submission is 15
November because is that all have their
ornament for Christmas, and some shipments son
internacionales, por lo que se demoran un poco.

* Cada participante deberá enviar las fotos de lo
que envío, a mi email, que iré subiendo al álbum
del inter, una vez recibido por su compañera, y no antes.

* Agradezco a todas las que me comunican el envío y
la recepción de los regalitos, para poder ir actualizando
la lista del intercambio, que publicaré el viernes.

* Tengo constancia de que algunas amigas, andan
desaparecidas, dejaremos un poco mas de tiempo,
pero quiero dejar claro que ninguna amiga, quedará
sin poder enviar ni recibir su adorno.

Algunas de Vds. se ofrecieron
to share in these cases, and I thank you heartily.

Unfortunately this is inevitable, but as
organizing it, and because
effort this entails, and the disappointment of the person who has it,
and decided, and the record, they prefer not to make use of that rule
not admit any future exchange
you to organize, no one they hold in this way, it
sorry, but I have no other choice.

If you have a problem, or something happens, I think
contact me with your friend
exchange is the logical and normal, because everything can be arranged,
and remember, that the registration was free and voluntary
so we must be responsible to the end.

If you have any questions,
can leave a comment on this post, I will answer the same.

Thank you all for your effort and cooperation !!!!!


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